The retail industry has more data breaches than any other industry; unfortunately, cybersecurity and data privacy capabilities are neglected.
What You're Protecting
Customer and employee PII (Social Security numbers, addresses, and account numbers)
- Financial data
- Customer credit card data
- Kiosk and point-of-sale (POS) uptime
- Brand reputation

Industry Risks
The modernization of point-of-sale (POS) systems has created many inherent risks. High employee turnover, lack of training, and limited security-related training and awareness increase the possibility of security threats.
Retailers often outsource different aspects of their operations to numerous vendors. A vulnerable access point at one vendor could cause a supply chain attack, jeopardizing the retailer’s cybersecurity posture.
In addition to consumer data and financial information, intellectual property and methodology are also at risk and can be sold to competing companies.
Percentage of consumers that lack confidence in retailer data security
Percentage of breaches in the retail industry that resulted from phishing
Percentage of cyber incidents in the retail industry that were financially motivated
We Are Here to Help
Learn more about how our unique services can help you: Continuous Adversary Emulation, External Threat Campaign, Assumed Breach Campaign, and Penetration Testing.
Bring on BuddoBot
The only way to know if your organization can be breached by hackers is to bring on a team of professional hackers, like BuddoBot, that are Built to Breach™.